West London Counselling & Psychotherapy Service


WLCPS therapists have had extensive experience as mental health professionals in clinical psychology, social work or counselling before undertaking a rigorous training in psychotherapy lasting a minimum of four years and leading to registration with either the UKCP (United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy) or the BPC (British Psychoanalytic Council). These are the principle organisations in the UK which promote high standards in the selection, training, practice and professional conduct of psychotherapists. Some therapists are in addition accredited by the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy).

Code of Ethics

WLCPS therapists work within a strict ethical code maintained by the professional organisation of which they are a member. This covers issues relating to confidentiality, therapeutic boundaries and maintaining high standards of practice. For more detailed information on ethical codes, you may ask your therapist which organisation s/he belongs to and follow the link below to the relevant organisation.

  • AGIP (Association for Group and Individual Psychotherapy)
  • AIP (Association of Independent Psychotherapists)
  • BAP (British Association of Psychotherapists)
  • TSP (Tavistock Society of Psychotherapists)
  • WPF (Westminster Pastoral Foundation) and its graduate body, FPC (Foundation for Psychotherapy and Counselling).

Theoretical Approach

There are many different approaches to psychotherapy. WLCPS therapists work within the psychodynamic/psychoanalytic tradition, which seeks to understand the unconscious origins of present difficulties. The pattern of early life experience may be repeated in the relationship with the therapist, something known as transference. Feelings, thoughts, wishes, fears, memories and dreams can be explored within the relationship with the therapist, and individuals can be helped to understand unconscious processes which affect their conscious thought and behaviour.

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